Solo Exhibition, Art Porters Gallery, Singapore, 2021


Meaning; Home in Spanish

Nickname for Casablanca

Excerpt from Press Release:

Fine artist Chloë Manasseh explores her Sephardic roots in her solo exhibition, CASA. The exhibition reflects on how one’s concept of home and identity shifts over time. CASA delves into Jewish folklore, featuring wall paintings, duo-aspect folding screens, a tile installation and pots that will transport the viewer to an alternate Morocco born from the artist’s vivid imagination. Folklore tales, much like memory or landscapes, are imprecise and subject to change. Manasseh is interested in the imprecision of memory and the process by which imagination can intrude on physical space, influencing how people establish a connection to it, reflecting on how we inhabit space through vis- ual identity.

Chloë Manasseh is a British Israeli artist, with familial roots in Morocco, Iraq, Portugal, Britain, Israel, India and Singapore to name a few. Her paternal family is of Jewish Baghdadi origin, and were originally settled between Calcutta (India) and Singapore, helping to establish a Jewish community and strong roots in Singapore. Manasseh’s family also have Spanish Origins . The artist’s mother was born in Casablanca (Morocco), and lived there for a short while before her family, like many others, journeyed to Israel via Marseille.

The works in this exhibition evoke different experiences of being indoors and out- doors, memories of absence, the value of tradition and the search upwards for the divine. Perhaps, the connecting factor is not only the roots created on the ground, but the unconscious collective desire of the Jewish people to be re-connected and together once more; to look up instead of looking down.

The curation of the works will create a path for the viewer, where they will be confronted with domestic space, inspired by Manasseh’s Moroccan heritage, with strong vibrant colours and heavily patterned, botanical surfaces, alongside the nat- ural landscape, evoking a search for the other. Vertiginous works, that force the imaginative gaze of the viewer upwards, looking through an expanse of trees, ex- ploring perceptions of identity and rootedness within a given landscape.


Petals fall, now and then


National Gallery Singapore